Dayton, Maryland Weather

27th Year of Service to the Local Community
Lat 39.243°N, Long 76.998°W, Elev 550ft (168m)

National Weather Service Forecasts/Warnings for Central Maryland (Click Here)

Latest Weather Update at 6:30am(EDT) on 7/27/24


Current: 62°F
    Rate of Change: -0°F/hr.
    High: 65°F at 12:00am
    Low: 62°F at 6:29am

    Monthly High: 95°F on 7/16/24
    Monthly Low: 58°F on 7/2/24
    Yearly High:   95°F on 7/16/24
    Yearly Low:    10°F on 1/17/24


Humidity & Related
Relative Humidity: 90.0%
    High: 92.0% at 1:44am
    Low:  87.0% at 12:00am
Dew Point: 59°F
Heat Index: 67°F
    High: 70°F at 12:03am

    Monthly High: 113°F on 7/9/24
    Yearly High:   113°F on 7/9/24
Wind Rose Wind & Related (Calm)
Current: NW at 0.0mph
    High Today: 0.0mph at 12:00am
    Monthly High: 19.2mph on 7/10/24
    Yearly High:   37.5mph on 1/13/24
Wind Chill: 62°F
    Low: 62°F at 6:29am
    Monthly Low: 58°F on 7/2/24
    Yearly Low:     -10°F on 2/4/24
    Wind Run Today: 0 miles
    Wind Run Month: 38 miles
    Wind Run Year:  4996 miles
Barometric Pressure Barometric Pressure (Rising)
Current: 1020.0mb
    Rate of Change: 0.4mb/hr
    High: 1020.1mb at 12:00am
    Low:  1018.9mb at 4:14am

Yearly High: 1040.1mb on 1/22/24
Yearly Low:  986.5mb on 1/9/24

Daily/Yearly Rain Precipitation

Today: 0.00in
    Hi Rain Rate:   0.00in/hr at 12:00am
    Current Hour:  0.00in
    Last 24 Hours: 0.00in

This Month:    2.60in
Year-to-Date:  26.19in

UV Index UV Index
Current: 0.00
    Today's High: 0.00 at 12:00am
    Monthly High: 7.20 on 7/1/24
    Yearly High:   8.10 on 5/20/24

Solar Radiation

Solar Radiation
Current: 9.0 W/m2
    Today's High: 9.0 W/m2  at 6:24am
    Monthly High: 1232.0W/m2 on 7/1/24
    Yearly High:   1271.0W/m2 on 5/11/24
Evapotranspiration Evapotranspiration
Today: 0.00in
    Monthly High:  0.18in on 7/7/24
    Yearly High:     0.19in on 4/14/24
Cooling Degree Days Degree Days
Cooling Degrees Days
   Today:  0.0
   Month:  340.3
   Year:    803.2
Heating Degree Days
    Today: 0.6
    Month: 3.3
    Year:   2527.7
Beyond the Stratosphere

Solar/Lunar Stats

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